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Do Not Rehire: Feature Overview
Do Not Rehire: Feature Overview

This article outlines the Do Not Use feature within the Works platform, which flags candidates potentially ineligible for future submission.

Kitti Mraz avatar
Written by Kitti Mraz
Updated over a week ago

Reader note: This is the Do Not Use / Do Not Rehire feature. The Works platform uses the terminology "Do Not Rehire", and therefore we use this term in this article

What is the Do Not Rehire feature?

  • In the event an onboarding or working resource has been deemed ineligible for employment within a unit, facility, or organization/Health System, this tool allows the candidate to be flagged as such.

Which Works users have the ability to mark a candidate or worker as "Do Not Rehire"?

  • Organization Admins and Program Managers have the permission to mark candidates or workers as "Do Not Rehire". These users can also edit the the rehire status and comments at any time on the Candidate or Assignment page.

Who can view the "Do Not Rehire" details in the Works platform?

  • Organization Admins and Program Managers can create and update Do Not Rehire statuses.

  • Hiring Leaders (with access to the unit in question) can view the "Do Not Rehire" status. Hiring Leaders will be able to view the comments associated with the status, but will be unable to edit them.

  • Other users can view Do Not Rehire status as plain text only (cannot see details on the decision not to rehire).

  • The Supplier who submitted/employed the "Do Not Rehire" candidate to a particular Staffing Request or Assignment.

    • Other Suppliers can see the "Do Not Rehire" status, which areas the unit/facility/Health System level to which this applies, and the expiration (if applicable) for the status, but they will not see any comments associated with the Do Not Rehire scenario.

What if a candidate is marked as "Do Not Rehire", and a current or future candidate shares their name?

  • Candidates/workers are uniquely identified via their date of birth and the last 4 digits of their Social Security Number, which allows their Do Not Rehire status to apply regardless of the Supplier trying to submit them to a Staffing Request. It is very important to note that the profile MUST include the last 4 of the SSN and DOB in order to leverage this feature.

What if there is a unique use case wherein a resource marked as "Do Not Rehire" is actually eligible to be submitted to a unit, facility, or Health System?

  • The Works platform ultimately does not block submissions of Do Not Rehire candidates, recognizing that human judgment is still a key part of the process. As such, there is full visibility and information of the Do Not Rehire flag throughout the candidate submission and selection process.

  • In the event a Supplier would like to proceed in submitting a candidate marked "Do Not Rehire", they will be asked to input a note as to why they will be proceeding with the submission.

H​ow it Works

  1. Program ​Managers and Organization Admins will mark a worker (at the Candidate or Assignment level) as Do Not Rehire, including the following info:

    1. L​evel that the resource will be barred for future submission/work - Unit, Location, or Organization

    2. E​xpiration date for Do Not Use status - any number of months/years, or indefinite

    3. Do Not Rehire Comment - relevant details as to why the candidate is deemed a Do Not Rehire candidate moving forward

2. The directly linked S​upplier (the Supplier that originally submitted and/or employed a resource for an opportunity or assignment) is notified every time the worker's Do Not Rehire status is updated.

3. When any Supplier tries to submit the Do Not Rehire candidate, they see the Do Not Rehire flag, and must provide a detailed "Reason for Submission" if they choose to submit the candidate anyway.

4. Hiring Managers/Program Managers will see "D​o No Rehire" status on the candidate application email notification, as well as on the application status.

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