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Staffing Agency | Offer Change Request Process
Staffing Agency | Offer Change Request Process

Walkthrough of the Offer Change Request feature and functionality.

Kitti Mraz avatar
Written by Kitti Mraz
Updated over a week ago

What is the Offer Change Request feature?

  • The Offer Change Request feature allows for Agency Suppliers and Facilities (or MSPs) to make modifications to pending Offers or Extension Offers.

  • Suppliers now have the ability to request changes to offers before acceptance. This feature of Works further promotes transparency, efficiency of communication and continues to secure Works as your source of truth to track all historical changes and actions made on an offer.

What can you change with your Offers?

  • For New Offers, the following can be revised:

    • Start Date

    • End Date

    • Time Off*

    • Shift Type

    • Shift per Week

    • Hours per Shift

  • For Extension Offers, the following can be revised:

    • Time Off

    • Shift Type

    • Shifts per Week

    • Hours per Shift

How will I know a change has been requested on an Offer/Extension Offer?

  • When an offer change has been requested by a Supplier, the facility or MSP will be notified via email of the requested change. From there, both parties can communicate via the platform to confirm necessary adjustments. There will also be indicators on the platform denoting Offer Change Requests on Offers.

Important notes:

  • Offers/Extension Offers cannot be accepted or rejected until all pending requested changes on the Offers/Extension Offer have been resolved.

  • Multiple changes can be requested at once.


1) Navigate to your candidate’s offer and click “View Offer”.

2) Click the “Request Changes” button at the bottom of the Offer.

3) After clicking the “Request Changes” button, you’ll have the option to type in free text to describe the change you need to request. After clicking “Submit Change Request”, a notification will be sent to the Hiring Leader (or MSP contact), who will review the request.

4) The Hiring Leader (or MSP) will then reply to your request, and if approved, will revise the Offer on their end. The Supplier will then receive notification of this change. You’ll notice the changes are indicated by the crossing out of the old term, and updated terms populate in a green bubble.

To note, historical changes and requests will be stored for later review if needed.

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