The Works platform now allows Organization Admins and Program Managers to edit certain details on an existing Assignment or Extension rather than going through your Works Support Partner for revisions! Available changes include changes of Assignment/Extension Dates, Shift, Shifts Per Week, Hours Per Shift, and Time Off. Please see below for how these revisions are made.
How to Change the Dates of an Assignment or Extension
Click the pencil edit icon next to the start and end dates.
Edit the Start Date and/or End Date
That's it. You can expand View Changes to see change history,
To change the end date of an Extension, use the same steps.
How to Edit an Assignment / Extension detail (Shift, Shifts Per Week, Hours Per Shift, and Time Off)
Click the pencil edit icon for the term you want to edit.
2. Edit the detail(s) (Shift, Shifts Per Week, Hours Per Shift, Time Off). If the change pertains to the entire assignment / extension, you're done. If the change is expected to take effect mid-assignment, edit the Term Effective date. For example, if the nurse is changing to Day shift starting 8/15 (mid-assignment), Term Effective date would be 8/15, and Shift: Day.
3. After you save, you can view changes.
4. If you've made a mistake with that edit, you can click Remove Term, which lets you revert back to the previous version. The earliest term (i.e. the original assignment details) is never removable.
How Terms are Displayed
The terms are displayed based on today's date. In the example below, today's date = 7/18.
Effective Term = current based on today's date (in green)
Past Term = already happened
Upcoming Term = has not yet happened
Note: "Remove Term" is only available on the latest term. Once you remove that term, you can remove the next latest term. i.e. You remove one term at a time.
Q: What are Terms? And Effective Term Date?
A: Each assignment has one or more terms. Each term specifies a set of details and the date those details take effect. Example:
An assignment (7/13-10/06) is created. At this time, there is only one term. Term details specify: Night 3 x 12 shift with $100 regular rate. This takes effect now or at the start of the assignment (7/13).
If you need to make a change for the entire assignment (e.g. the assignment is now Day shift), just make that edit (Night->Day) and you're done. There is NO need to change the effective date.
However, if it's a mid-assignment change (e.g. the nurse has successfully requested to change to Day shift starting 8/15), then you change Term Effective date. For this example, Term Effective date: 8/15, and Shift: Day.
Q: What if I made an edit mistake?
A: "Remove Term" lets you revert back to the previous version. The removed term is essentially voided. The earliest term (i.e. the original assignment details) is never removable (so you don't need to worry about erasing an entire assignment / extension).
Q: Can I edit past and upcoming assignments?
A: Yes. The process for editing past and upcoming assignments are the same.
Q: Can I change assignments that are already completed or cancelled?
A: Yes
Q: In What Cases am I unable to change the Start and End dates?
A: These are the cases where you can't change start and/or end date. Works shows some tooltips to help explain.
Assignment / Extension status is Working
Tooltip: This assignment / extension is in Working state. To extend the end date, use Extend Assignment.
End date cannot be changed when there is a Pending or Accepted Extension up next
Tooltip: End date cannot be changed when there is a pending or accepted Extension. Contact Support for assistance.
Note: in the next version, this will be allowed (where the Extension start date will be changed automatically)
Extension Start Date cannot be changed
Tooltip: An extension’s start date is always the day after the previous assignment’s end date.
Q: What about Assignment Rate change?
For now, rate change needs to be done via Active Admin. With the introduction of the Rates tool, there's quite a bit changing in terms of how Works handles rate. We want to finish our full transition to the Rates tool / rate cards, before evaluating whether to enable assignment rate change at this level.